Is Sugar Sabotaging Your Skin?


Here at fācit we’re big fans of food.

And while we know that we should enjoy all things in moderation, we were curious about the potential toll that eating indulgent foods could be taking on our skin.

Eating processed, refined foods can definitely make you feel sluggish, tired, and off your A-game. Well, turns out these affects could be carrying over to your skin’s appearance as well. Sugar in particular is known to breakdown collagen and weaken the immune system.

And while the evidence between your diet and your skin is still evolving, The American Academy of Dermatology recommends staying away from high-glycemic foods and beverages that ultimately lead to a rise in blood sugar. This includes starchy carbs and sugary treats.

According to the AAD, findings from small studies show that individuals who ate a diet filled with low-glycemic foods (vegetables, beans, whole grains, and some fruit) had improved skin clarity.

Of the 2,258 acne-prone patients placed on a low-glycemic diet, 87% of patients said they had less acne, and 91% said they needed less acne medication.

The scientists believe that this low-glycemic diet may have reduced the acne because the diet eliminates blood sugar spikes which causes inflammation throughout your body and an increase in sebum production- both which are known to cause breakouts.

Sugar is also linked to a process called glycation, in which sugar molecules covalently link to lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. One affect of glycation is that it can cause collagen fiber to stiffen resulting in loss of volume and sagging skin.

Bottom line, there’s still a lot of research to do in the space but there’s definitely a case to be made that being mindful of what we’re eating could impact our skin for the better.

Claudia Rosa